Strengthening Local Media Capacity to Raise Awareness and Report Ethically on GBV and VAC
Implementation period: July 2021 - December 31, 2022
Financing organization: European Union, implemented by UN Women in partnership with UNICEF
Project goal: To capacitate the local media outlets, newsrooms in Cahul and Ungheni, on child rights and their reflection into the media products in order to avoid issues as: victimization and re-victimization of children, reveal of child identity (except when the best interest of the child impose it), depreciative language, use of stereotypes, inconsideration of the public image of the child, etc
1. Strengthening local and national media capacity on ethical and professional coverage of sensitive issues related to VAC (violence, neglect and explotation, especially sexual violence) and GBV violence;
2. Local media from Cahul and Ungheni is actively engaged in building a non-violent environment and address the negative social norms and violent behaviour, violence against children, including gender-based violence;
3. The general population of Ungheni and Cahul districts is informed about VAC, including gender-based violence, and sensitized/educated on how to address it.
1. Development of a comprehensive Guide and a training package with support materials for the media on the ethical coverage of cases of violence against children and gender-based violence;
2. Conducting 12 trainings for the local mass media in Cahul and Ungheni regarding the ethical reflection of children's problems;
3. Conduct online training for local and national media, based on the Guidelines for Ethical and Professional Coverage of Sensitive Issues Related to VAC and GBV;
4. Production of 4 video spots to promote civic involvement for a non-violent social environment, especially for combating violence against children and gender-based violence;
5. Publication of 70 media products (articles, press releases, human stories of high interest) in local media reflecting violence against children and gender-based violence and combating VAC in schools and local communities;
6. The implementation of local communication campaigns by the mass media in Ungheni and Cahul regarding the elimination of VAC and the promotion of non-violent behavior.