
Promoting help-seeking behaviours among survivors of online violence in the Republic of Moldova

Implementation period: September 2023 – August 2024


Financing organization: project implemented in partnership with UNICEF and financed by the French Agency for Development  (AFD)


Project goal: To use the power of media and behavioral insights to empower girls and women to recognize and address online violence, including Gender based Violence​

1. To research Behavioral Insights and trial to understand and address the behavioral barriers women and girls face in digital contexts, including refugee women and girls;


2.  To promote and stimulate help-seeking behaviors in cases of online violence and empower women and girls with knowledge and practical skills to recognize and address online violence, including GBV;


3. To provide continue and professional support for national media (including Transnistrian region and Gagauzia) by strengthening their capacities to report on GBV and VAC, and by updating and digitalizing the Guide ‘How to Approach Gender-Based Violence and Violence against Children in Media’.

1. Development of comprehensive research on Behavioral Insights to address the behavioral barriers women and girls face in digital contexts;


2. Production and dissemination of informational and media products (video and audio spots, video tutorials, GIFs, explanatory articles and promotional cards);


3. Updating and digitization of the Guide for journalists „Addressing gender-based violence and violence against children in the media”, which will be turned into an online course on the platform;


4. Six training programs to take place in Chisinau and regions, on ethical and professional coverage of sensitive issues related to VAC (violence, neglect and exploitation, especially online sexual violence) and GBV;


5. Five internships for journalists from Transnistrian region to media from the right bank of Nistru to learn and to share best practices of performing quality journalism, including on the topic of ethical and professional coverage of sensitive issues related to VAC and GBV.

  • 09 April 2024

    Asociația Presei Independente (API) anunță înregistrarea participanților la un atelier despre abordarea etică și profesionistă a subiectelor despre violența cu care se confruntă fetele și femeile în spațiul online. Instruirea se va desfășura la Chișinău la data de 26 aprilie 2024. Activitatea este organizată în cadrul proiectului „Răspuns la violența împotriva fetelor și femeilor în mediul online și în contexte similare”, finanțat de Agenția Franceză de Dezvoltare (AFD) și implementat în parteneriat cu UNICEF Moldova.